Thematic working groups


The organization of the TWG is one of the activities of the National Rural Network Support Unit and is an appropriate mechanism for involving partners and stakeholders in the field of rural development.

TRGs will operate on a voluntary basis within a specific mandate for a specific scope of study, analysis and / or report on a specific topic; expert staff (usually up to 12 experts in the TWG, actively participating in the meetings; period of activity (sufficient to prepare the materials and discuss them with the expert staff for not more than one year).

Submitted proposals for topics will be collected and summarized by SU key experts and they will be communicated to the MA for their consideration and approval by the MA.

Priority will be given to issues of national and / or regional interest, serving a wide range of stakeholders, members of the network and which are relevant to the period in which they are offered.

The TWGs within the scope of the NRN will contribute to the implementation of an integrated and cross-sectoral approach in the discussion and implementation of rural development policies in Bulgaria.

The TWG will provide an opportunity for discussion, consultation and involvement of interested partners in the process of national policy-making.

 The TWG topics will be identified by the SU and / or the Managing Authority (MA) – Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestsy, as appropriate and for the MA’s needs, and will be of common interest to the a large number of NSM members.

The topics will be offered by the members of the NSM, the members of the Coordination Committee and its expert groups, the coordinators of the 28 regional units.


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