CAP after 2020 in Bulgaria
Bulgaria’s vision for the CAP after 2020
Analysis of the state of agriculture and the food industry -IАЕ_АА_07.2019
Analysis of the state of agriculture and the food industry -IАЕ_АА full report
CAP in the context of the negotiations on the multiannual financial framework of the EU_2021-2027
New highlights in the CAP_2021-2027 package
Negotiations on the new Common Agricultural Policy for the EU_2021-2027
Monitoring system for agricultural land
Cork 2.0 DECLARATION 2016 Better Rural Life
Cork 2.0 DECLARATION 2016 Better Rural Life
The European Rural Development Conference, organized by the European Commission, is being held in Cork in September 2016, with the aim of discussing with a wide range of stakeholders the current and future challenges of agriculture and rural areas, as well as potential policy responses. The main result of this important event is the “Declaration of Cork 2.0: Better life in rural areas”, providing a framework for future policies and actions for rural development in Europe.
European Commission proposals and documents
The Future of Food and Farming
On June 1, 2018 the European Commission presented three legislative proposals on the future CAP which aims to prepare the CAP for the upcoming programming period 2021-2027 :
- Proposal for a Council REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL establishing rules on support for strategic plans
- Proposal for a Council REGULATION determining measures on fixing certain aids and refunds related to the common organisation of the markets in agricultural products
Presentation of post-2020 CAP legislative proposals
White paper on the future of Europe
Reflection paper on the future of EU finances
Reflection paper on harnessing globalisation
Reflection paper on the social dimension of Europe
Reflection paper on the deepening of the economic and monetary union
European Parliament: Towards a Common Agricultural Policy after 2020
Тowards a Common Agricultural Policy after 2020
Report on the future of food and farming ( Dorfmann report)
OPINION of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development for the Committee on International Trade on harnessing flobalisation:trade aspects (2018/2005 (INI)) – 22.6.2018
OPINION of the Commitee on Agriculture and Rural Development for the Committee on Regional Development on lagging regions in the EU (2017/2208(INI))- 25.1.2018 OPINION of the Commitee on Agriculture and Rural Development for the Commitee on Budgets the next MFF: Preparing the Parliament’s position on the MFF post – 2020 (2017/2052(INI))- 26.1.2018
OPINION of the Commitee on Agriculture and Rural Development for the Committeeon the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety(2016/2223(INI))- 27.3.2017
Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on The future of food and agriculture
Positions, reports and analyzes
National Agricultural Forum – CAP after 2020
FooDDrink Europe Position – Priorities for modernising and simplifying the CAP -BELGIUM
CEMA Position – European Agricultural Machinery Association
Estonian position on CAP 2020 + -Ministry of Rural Affairs
Eucolait views on the future CAP post 2020 – European Association of Dairy Trade
Position Spain CAP after 2020– “Modernization and simplification of the Common Agricultural Policy”
Position CAP after 2020 – IFA – Irish Farmers’ Association
Official position of Latvia CAP after 2020
Poland’s Priorities for Common Agricultural policy after 2020
UNITAB position CAP after 2020 – The association of European tobacco producers
French contribution position – Франция
Development of the University of Wageningen
Priorities of Netherlands CAP 2021
Macra na Feirme POSITION – Irish voluntary rural youth organisation
IFOAM POSITION – International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements
CEJA POSITION – The European Council of Young
Common Declaration on CAP Future – Estonia –Latvia- Lithuania
World Bank Report “Thinking CAP: Supporting Agricultural Jobs and Incomes in the EU“
Влияние на Общата селскостопанска политика на ЕС върху българското земеделие, МЗХГ 2017
- 1962: The European Economic Community launches the CAP
- 1992: Reforms focus on producers, not market support
- 2003: Introduction stricter rules for food safety, the environment and animal welfare
- April 2010:Launching a public debate on the future of EU agricultural policy 2014-2020
- November 2010: Commission Communication on the CAP towards 2020
- 12 October 2011: The Commission presents proposals for CAP reform
- 2011-2013: Debate on the Commission’s proposals for the CAP 2014-2020 to the European Parliament and of the Council
- 20 October 2011: EU agriculture ministers hold a first exchange of views on the proposed reform
- 7 November 2011: The Committee on Agriculture of the European Parliament hearing Ministers of Agriculture
- 23-24 January 2013: The Committee on Agriculture supports a less green, more flexible CAP
- 12-13 March 2013: Parliamentary debate and vote on the various regulations and implementing acts
- April- June 2013: Negotiations between the European Parliament, the European Commission and the EU Council of Ministers of Agriculture
- 1 January 2014: The new CAP enters into force, but delays in the approval process delay implementation until 2015.
- November 2015: European Commission presents proposals to rationalization the greening of the CAP 2014-2020, market organization and other requirements
- 2016: Introduction of CAP optimization measures 2014-2020
- 2016: Review of environmental measures of the CAP 2014-2020
- 2017: CAP “Status Check”
- February – May 2017:The European Commission holds public consultations on the future of the CAP beyond 2020.
- November 2017: Communication from the Commission on the Future of Food and Farming
- 2 May 2018: The Commission presents its proposal for the multiannual financial framework for 2021-2027.
- 1 June 2018: The Commission discloses plans for the Common Agricultural Policy beyond 2020.
- 18 July 2018: The Agriculture and Fisheries Council is discussing the CAP reform package after 2020.
- 2020: New EU budget and possibly update the CAP
MAFF “Info sheet”
The newsletter is provided by the Directorates „“Direct payments and identification of agricultural parcels” and „“Market measures and producer organizations”“, МAFF